There’s No Wrong Way to do it Except Not to do it.

How do You Start Publishing Every Day?

David Bourne
2 min readAug 22, 2020
A table top filled with 3x5 cards with single words on them.
A tabletop filled with 3x5 cards with single words on them.

Here goes.

Here goes what?

Writing to Publish. Getting it done. Just Do It. Agile Writing. Thrashing, as Seth says.

Writing and publishing a little bit every day. To learn to write. To ship. To find a voice. To find an idea. A group of ideas. A collection of ideas that might become something big. Something bigger than yourself.

Will it be good? Maybe. Will it be loved? Certainly not. Not by all, but maybe by some. Definitely by one. Me. Because it will be done.

To meet the Resistance, you can go around it. Or go through it. Either way, you will make mistakes. So why not make a lot of mistakes in plain sight? Make them so they are easy to make. No so painful. Not as powerful as they once were before.

Maybe you could inspire others to do the same.

Maybe you could start a conversation. Start a gathering. Start a tribe. Start a movement. Start to make real change in the world.

You won't know until you start.

There’s no wrong way to do it except not to do it.

This is what I’m telling myself on the first day of writing to publish. Let’s hope that I listen to my own advice.

Would you?

Here’s the Task

Clear your calendar for 30 minutes every day.

Bring an idea and start writing.

Write. Edit. Publish.

Plan a bit for the next day. Let your subconscious mull it over so you show up tomorrow with a good start.

Will it be loved? Yes, by you and me.



David Bourne

Coach. Dad. Explorer. 35+ Years Expereince Teaching, Consulting New Media